Connecting with Everbouquet

You can find the Ever Catcher Group's LCD screens and LCD technology all over the world.
Connecting with Everbouquet
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Everbouquet's products include

Thin-film transistor displays, chip-on-glass displays, graphic LCD modules, character LCD modules and a whole host of custom display products.

What's Everbouquet's history?

In the screen-making business since 1992, Everbouquet have been leaders in LCD technology for a while now. In its early years, the company distinguished itself with its unwavering commitment to product quality and reliability. Their design and manufacturing prowess quickly gained Everbouquet Electronics a reputation for producing high-quality components and that reputation still holds true today. You can find the company's LCD screens and technology all over the planet.

What do Everbouquet offer their clients?

At the core of Everbouquet equipment is a commitment to quality, reliability, and innovation. The company prides itself on delivering products that adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring optimal performance and longevity in various electronic systems.

They offer their customers high-level research and development, manufacturing and customer support. Their business customers include Bosch, Beyers, Toshiba, Zirkon and more.

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Where are the products they make used?

LCD screens are used right across the modern world. For example, you can find them being used in the following contexts.

Consumer electronics
Everbouquet's LCD screens are extensively used in consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions. These devices rely on LCD screens to provide vibrant displays with sharp images and crisp text, essential to the user experience.

LCD screens are integral components of modern automotive infotainment systems, instrument clusters, and heads-up displays. They provide drivers and passengers with information, entertainment, and navigation features while on the road.

Everbouquet's LCD screens are used in various medical technologies such as patient monitors, ultrasound machines, and diagnostic equipment.

Renowned for the way their technology resists the degradations of hostile environments, the marine sector is an ideal place for Perfect Switch's engineering to shine. Boats of all shapes and sizes - from tug boats to power boats to fishing boats and beyond – are built on the the company's work and power their owners across lakes, seas and rivers of all shapes and sizes.

Industrial control systems
LCD screens are employed in industrial control systems, human-machine interfaces (HMIs), and automation equipment to provide operators with real-time data visualisation, control, and monitoring capabilities in industrial settings.

Everbouquet's LCD screens are utilized in avionics displays, cockpit instrumentation, and military-grade control panels in the aerospace and defence industries. These screens must meet stringent requirements for and perform at a high standard in harsh environments.

Retail and digital signs
LCD screens are often used in retail environments to showcase product information, advertisements, and interactive content. Everbouquet's LCD screens offer high brightness, wide viewing angles, and long-term reliability, making them ideal for use in public-facing displays.

Still want to read more? Everbouquet's website is here.

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